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Module 10


TOPIC 1 - The extra cranial component of the blood supply to the brain.

#0) Figure 10-1 - development of the blood supply

#1) - blood vessels in the neck

#2) - the importance of the carotid bifurcation

#3) - the course of the internal carotid

#4) - carotid aneurysm

TOPIC 2 - The three cerebral arteries - surface views.

#5) - a basilar view of the blood supply

#6) - the Circle of Willis

#6a) - berry aneurysms

#7) - a mid-sagittal view of the blood supply

#8) - a frontal view of the blood supply

#9) - a lateral view of the blood supply

#13) - summary and watershed zone

#13a) - watershed zones in horizontal section

TOPIC 3 - Blood supply of the interior of the hemisphere.

#10) - a basal view, dissected

#11) - the medial and lateral striate arteries

#15) - the thalamogeniculate arteries and others

#16) - the thalamogeniculate arteries and other

TOPIC 4 - Blood supply of the brainstem.

#17a) - brainstem blood supply - the basilar artery

#17) - blood supply of the medulla

#18) - blood supply of the pons and midbrain

#18a) - brainstem blood supply - a lateral view

TOPIC 6 - Blood supply of the spinal cord

#19) - blood supply of the spinal cord - role of the intercostal arteries

#20) - blood supply of the spinal cord -a 3d view

#21) - blood supply of the spinal cord - seen on a cross section

#22) - blood supply of the spinal cord -a longitudinal view