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Because this is a complex topic, all authors try to simplify it. No two versions agree, and comparing them can add to the confusion. Since Blumenfeld's version agrees pretty well with the one in this manual, we suggest that you stick with it. Even so, as in the past, we include the relevant sections in several other books.


 1) Neuroscience Online: an electronic textbook for the neurosciences. This is a free educational resource provided by the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy at The University of Texas Medical School at Houston. It is really superb and we urge you to make use of it. The online version works fine on computers, but since visualization of the figures requires a flash player, they are absent when the material is viewed using an Ipad.
        Section 2, Chapter 9: Olfaction and Gustation
            9.1 Gustatory System
            9.2 Olfactory System
            9.3 Neural Pathway into the Olfactory Cortex
            9.4 Conclusion
        Section 4, Chapter 5: Limbic System:Hippocampus
            5.1 Introduction to the Limbic System
            5.2 Hippocampus
            5.3 Overall Structure of the Hippocampus, Fornix, and Anterior Commissure
            5.4 Output Pathways of the Hippocampus
            5.5 Input Pathways of the Hippocampus
            5.6 Structures and Processes within the Hippocampus
            5.7 Mechanisms of Hippocampal Function
         Section 4, Chapter 6: Limbic System:Amygdala
            6.1 Amygdala - General Considerations
            6.2 Inputs to the Amygdala
            6.3 Major Output Pathways of the Amygdala
            6.4 Ventral Amygdalofugal Pathway
            6.5 More on Function of the Amygdala
            6.6 Fear Conditioning: An Example of the Role of the Amygdala in Learning

2) The Nervous System in Action by Michael D. Mann. Click on MANN TEXT to access the internet version of this excellent textbook. The home page provides links to individual chapters and also offers a link to download a PDF version of the text. Your best bet is to download the text and view it your screen using
        Chapter 10, Gustatory and Olfactory Senses - pgs. 8-11. This section describes how olfactory sensations are coded by receptors in cells of the olfactory epithelium. The process, however, is not well understood.
        Chapter 17, Activities involving the Cerebral Hemispheres - pgs 2-10. Figure shows a diagram of the Limbic system and the text that follows includes discussions of:
            1) The role of Limbic structures in controlling emotions and behavior
            2) The Kluver-Bucy syndrome.
            3) The role of Limbic structures in learning and memory

3) Charlie Rose: The Brain Series. Created in collaboration with Eric Kandel.
         Episode 6 The Aging Brain In this episode Brenda Milner describes here experience testing the patient HM; her work provided a historic leap forward in our understanding of hippocampal function. 
         Episode 7 The Emotional and Vulnerable Brain This episode deals with reward systems, addiction and the role of dopamine neurons. If you don't have time to watch all of it, start to download it and dial forward to minute 16 for the anatomy; then continue to minute 18 for a description of the famous "Olds and Milner" self stimulation experiments, which focused attention on the septum.
         Episode 8 The Anxious Brain Antonio Damasio, Joseph LeDoux and others discuss the role of the amygdala in controlling emotions.



1) Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases by Hal Blumenfeld.

----- The limbic system is covered in a comprehensive way on Pages 762-80 and 787-90. The treatment is excellent, but there is lots of information and it will be tough going.

----- The hypothalamus is covered on Pages 740-743.

2) Clinical Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience by M. J. Turlough Fitzgerald, Gregory Gruener and Estomih Mtui.

----- The limbic system (including olfactory function) is covered in Chapter 34, starting on Page 367.

----- The hypothalamus is reviewed in Chapter 26, starting on Page 289.

3) Fundamental Neuroscience for Basic and Clinical Applications by Duane E. Haines. Third Edition.

- - - The olfactory system is covered on Pages 367-373 of Chapter 23.

- - - The limbic system is taken up in Chapter 31, starting on Page 501. There is an additional, brief treatment of the hippocampus and amygdala on Page 259.

- - - The hypothalamus is covered in Chapter 30, starting on Page 487.

4) Clinically Oriented Anatomy, Fourth Edition by Keith L. Moore and Arthur F. Dalley.

----- The section on the olfactory nerve is brief, but has some nice figures.

5) Principles of Neural Science by Eric R. Kandel, James H. Schwartz and Thomas M. Jessel. The topics of this module are covered in several different places:

----- The olfactory system - Chapter 32, Pages 625-636. Most of this section deals with the issue of how olfactory information is coded by the nervous sysem...a fascinating question but one we don't have time to take up. Figure 32-7 gives good diagrams of the neural connections within the olfactory bulb. Figure 32-9 and the section just below it on Page 633 summarizes central olfactory pathways.

----- The limbic system - Chapter 50 covers this material. The concept of the Limbic System is described on Page 986, and the functions of the amygdala are taken up, starting on Page 988.

----- The hippocampal formation - The role of the hippocampus in the formation of memories is described in Chapter 62. See Figure 62-5 for a good view of hippocampal anatomy.

----- The hypothalamus - The hypothalamus is covered starting on Page 972 in chapter 49.