


- - In any attempt to look at the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the brainstem, the first problem is that this region is hidden below the cerebral hemispheres and cerebellum. You will recall that the expanding cerebral hemisphere extends caudally to completely cover the diencephalon and midbrain Figure 2-3. How can we expose the brainstem to view? The obvious answer is to dissect away the tissue of the cerebral hemisphere (and of the cerebellar hemisphere, as well) which gets in the way. The most "pure" approach , at least in conceptual terms, would be to cut the relevant fiber bundles and then just lift off the hemispheres (cerebral and cerebellar). A careful look at Figure 2-2 shows where to make the cuts. After making cut #1 (and this is pretty schematic) you would be able to lift off the cerebral hemisphere, leaving behind the basal ganglia, the diencephalon and the brainstem. After making cut #2 you would be able to lift off the cerebellum. The result would be to give you a good exposure of the dorsal surface of the brainstem (plus the basal ganglia and diencephalon). Figure 2-4 gives you this view, and as the course progresses we will draw in many pathways on it. Figure 2-5 is a copy, in which the spinal cord has been cut off, and a great many labels added. Blumenfeld's Figure 12.2 B is similar, but does not include the cerebral hemisphere

- - You are about to be confronted with the names for a great many structures, without being told much about their function. For the moment we have two goals: 1) we want you to begin to relate a name to a structure, so that when we do take up functional issues you will at least have an idea of where the structures are in the brainstem and 2) we want you to begin making the transition from surface view of the brainstem to cross sections through the same region.

- - Now, let's look at some real brains in which the dorsal surface of the brainstem has been exposed. The frame in Figure 2-6 shows the region included in the following views.

- - Switch back and forth between these copies and be certain you can identify the following:

- - A second dissection was photographed at a slightly different angle, thus revealing more of the brainstem.

- - Keep it on the screen and relate it to the views called up in the list below.